Family Law, Limited Conservatorships and Guardianships

Zieman Law APC Blog

Option- Hybrid Services

Often a barrier to getting quality services in a family law matter is the cost.

More and more people are handling their issues self-represented, because the cost of a professional is too high.

For people, who would love the collaborative model, getting 4 professionals hired right at the beginning is just too expensive. As a result, hybrid options of the mediation and collaborative process have become more popular in recent years.

There are many types of hybrid options.  

One option is you start with a mediator, and then bring in collaborative attorneys when needed for legal advice.

Another is each party hires a collaborative attorney at the start. If it becomes clear a neutral therapist, a neutral financial expert, or even a child specialist might be helpful, you can add these members to the team.

If you are looking for a more peaceful approach with a lower upfront cost, one of these hybrid methods might just be the best option for you.


Allison Zieman